Global HR guru, Josh Bersin amplifies the fact that the recruiters in present-day corporations must be marketers, salespersons, career coaches, and psychologists, all rolled into one. It means that the employer branding strategy should embody all of these elements. Such a strategy can no more rely only on the static career or corporate pages on the business’ websites, or the creative recruitment posters of digital marketing. The HR message needs to come alive with multi-dimensional depths with a human touch to it. This evidently can be materialized only through videos. It, therefore, doesn’t come as a surprise that employer branding videos have become the choice of HR strategy for businesses. Studies have revealed that crisp and lively employer branding videos on social platforms outperform textual or pictorial messages when it comes to hiring the right candidates. Also, creating employer branding videos is a great employee engagement initiative in itself as a lot of people enjoy the process of video making.